Travis and Mark 系列解答——雌激素主导

Mark Stewart and Travis Johnson, MS 是美国一直活跃在PCSO领域的人士,作为生物化学家Travis总是从概念性的角度为我解答很多关于PCOS的问题,专业性比较强。经过他们俩的同意,我开辟了一个新的板块,就是Travis Mark 系列解答。作为进阶版,感兴趣的姐妹可以深入挖掘挖掘。


Here’s the explanation of the phenomenon of estrogen dominance, and how unraveling it can cause acne and weight gain:




Estrogen Dominance:

The dismantling of an estrogen dominance scenario can have some unexpected consequences. Travis and I have written about this before:


Many women with PCOS have what is called estrogen dominance, which is a high estrogen to progesterone ratio. This is usually the result of elevated estrogen, a scarcity of progesterone, or both.


All sex hormones bind to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), so a very high estrogen can make bioavailable testosterone (testosterone not bound to SHBG) high just by competing for the binding sites*. And it is bioavailable testosterone that really determines whether someone will have symptoms of high androgens (acne, alopecia, hirsutism, etc.).


In clinical trials, DCI was shown to increase SHBG overall. Combining that effect with DCI’s tendency to help normalize estrogen levels, the additional clinical observation that free testosterone was cut in half made a lot of sense.


However, not all of these changes are necessarily going to happen at the same rate in every woman. And, in fact, estrogen drives synthesis of SHBG, so dropping estrogen can also lead to a decrease in SHBG, the upshot of which is that free T can increase.


If that change happens earlier or faster than the decrease in total testosterone, the woman could develop worsened or renewed symptoms of high free T. This should be transient as the woman’s hormone profile moves more toward normal.


*The binding sites concept is hard for many people. Think of the SHBG binding site as spaces in a parking garage. There are a finite number of parking spaces, and the more extra estrogen that is out cruising for a spot, the longer it will take the testosterone to find a spot. And the T don’t just drive around the garage, they vandalize the building as they look for a space—turning hair growth on or off, for instance.

We normally are addressing the free testosterone and resulting acne when this question comes up, but weight gain is also possible as a result of the same re-balancing act.

We normally are addressing the free testosterone and resulting acne when this question comes up, but weight gain is also possible as a result of the same re-balancing act.


















